
More photos to come.

The photos I have posted so far are from my husband's digital camera. I'm taking my couple of rolls up to CVS today to get them developed, so the rest should be up later this week. You can see a bigger view of any of the pictures on this site by clicking on the picture itself. If anyone wants the large versions on my computer for reprints, e-mail me and I'll burn them onto a CD for you to take to the store. Comment and let me know what you think!

The aunts and mother(-in-law) serenade the bride and groom with a rendition of "Chapel of Love" after most of the guests go home (lucky for them!).

After a long day, the couple relaxes after most of the guests leave and prepare to be serenaded by their aunts and mother(-in-law).

The bride with the flower girl.

The bride joins in the fun.

I give up on trying to get her to blow bubbles and do it myself :-)

I attempt to help the flower girl blow bubbles. Can you believe she's not even two yet?

The flower girl, long since out of her dress, attempts to catch the bubbles.

One of the young guests gathers up the balloons Tonya didn't want to leave attached to her car :-)

Her sister-in-law again, with another bridesmaid in the background.

One of her bridesmaids (and sister-in-law) having fun with bubbles.

Kinda dark, but Tonya at the car.

More of the car.

The car.

Actually walking through the bubbles to the car.

The guests blow bubbles for the bride and groom to walk through to the car.

More of the bride's parents.

The bride's parents. Betcha don't hardly recognize my uncle without the massive beard!

The happy couple with my dad as emcee.

The happy couple.

Taking off the garter.

Throwing the flowers. Notice how my husband got the photo at the best moment, when the bouquet hits the ceiling :-)

Getting ready to throw the bouquet, I believe.

The church where they got married. We didn't take any photos during the ceremony, but I know some other people did. Like the actual photographer :-)

The buffet table's ceterpiece ... a pineapple stuck with strawberries, with more around the base. Very colorful.

A long view of the cake table.

The topper for their cake.

The cake.

The reception hall, complete with a beautiful view through the picture windows. All the leaves started changing just a few days before the wedding, so it was gorgeous out the day of.

My brother helping out at the reception hall by holding down the couch.

Getting the reception hall ready.

More reception hall mess before the festivities.

Before the wedding and reception, in the reception hall's kitchen.